COMPLETION for the Dorset Green Enterprise Zone is planned for 2017.

Dorset County Council Cabinet last year approved expenditure of £927,000 to jointly acquire 6.2 hectares of land at Dorset Green, together with Purbeck District Council, and progress the development of 1,800 square metres of workspace units. Additional funding of £600,000 was secured with support from the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Later in 2015 the two local authorities, in conjunction with Dorset LEP and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), submitted an application for Dorset Green to be designed as an Enterprise Zone (EZ), which was approved.

Businesses locating in an EZ are entitled to business rate discount of up to 100 per cent over five years period and enhanced capital allowances for the purchase of machinery and equipment.

Officers from Purbeck District and Dorset County Councils, the Dorset LEP and HCA have already undertaken a significant amount of work in progressing the Dorset Green EZ concept and specific proposals for land purchase and workspace development.

An update report approved by cabinet said: “The county council is committed to a partnership scheme to purchase land and construct workspace at Dorset Green." Purbeck. Governance arrangements need to be established to manage and oversea the Dorset Green Enterprise Zone. The Dorset LEP is ultimately responsible for the performance of the zone and reporting to government.

“Potential barriers to the completion of this scheme have been overcome and completion is planned for 2017.”