• Westhaven House is a sheltered housing unit for the elderly and disabled.

The residents have created an association to raise funds for activities, socialising and the continuing health of its residents.

They have acquired a greenhouse and shed that aims to keep the members active and will hopefully create funds to help future projects.

All the work on the project has been supplied free by the local students and tutors from Compass, hardcore for the groundwork was supplied by the local firm of Elliotts.

None of this would have been possible without the assistance and planning of John from Alf's Fish and Chip shop.

John is appealing for any pots, seeds and plants etc to enable the project to get off the ground.

There will be an official opening of the greenhouse on Tuesday, April 22 with refreshments of pie and chips but all the tickets have been sold.

  • The top three issues raised at the recent Pact meeting held on Tuesday, March 18 are bus shelters and bus stops, dogs mess and the untidy crematorium.
  • The committee for the Westham 125 celebrations are still looking for the person/people who have lived in Westham the longest. They have a few names but would like to hear if there are any more out there. Please contact me if you are that person or know who that person is.