THE Wednesday Social Club have a couple of dates for your diary. They are organising a Mystery Trip on Wednesday, 5th August, leaving Stileham Bank at 5.30p.m.

Members £6, non members £7.

Food at extra cost.

There will be another Mystery Trip on Wednesday, 2nd September.

Everyone is welcome on these enjoyable evenings. To book a place and for further information on the food available please contact Heather Gipps on 01258 837058.

  • THE Healthy Eaters group continues to meet throughout August.

Come along to the village hall committee room from 7pm – 8pm on a Thursday evening to join them if you feel this is the group for you.

They do not follow any particular diet, just simply healthy eating with lots of friendly support and total confidentiality.

Cost is £5.00 to join and first night free, thereafter £1 each week and no fee to pay if you miss a week.

Proceeds to Milton Abbas Surgery PPG.

Total weight loss by the group so far is an excellent 35.51lbs = approximately 17 bags of sugar!!

  • DORSET Historic Churches Trust sponsored cycle ride will take place this year on Saturday, 12th September between 10am and 6pm.

The aim is to cycle, walk or go on horseback to as many churches as possible and thereby raise money through sponsorship.

Half the money raised goes to the Historic Churches Trust and half to the church of your choice.

This year David Payne is planning to start in Dorchester and make his way back to Milborne, visiting 17 churches on the way.

He would love to have some company for all or part of the way, or you can sponsor him if you prefer.

For full details and sponsorship forms please contact David Payne (01258 837700) or Pat Tribe (01258 837684) GET ready for a new kind of village show this year.

  • The Horticultural Society (Garden Club) have come up with a brilliant idea for a new type of show.

The big difference is that there are no appointed judges, instead you – the public – will be asked to vote with pennies for what you consider to be the best exhibit!

The entry with the largest number of pennies will be the winner.

There will be no entry charges but a money changer can give you pennies in exchange for larger denominations.

All pennies used as votes will be donated to ‘Mosaic’ the charity for bereaved children, which has its headquarters in Milborne St Andrew.

Entry forms for the show are available now from the post office, shop or from members of the Society.

So start feeding those vegetables, there will be classes for the heaviest marrow, onion or potato and for the longest carrot, cucumber or leek!

Also classes for flowers, flower arrangements, photography and a variety of classes for children to enter.

Entries close on 5th September.

Delicious teas and homemade cakes will be available at the show, plus a raffle.


REHEARSALS are just starting for the Milton Abbey Music Festival.

This year the Festival Chorus will be performing Mozarts Vespers (K 339) and Haydn’s Paukenmesse.

The festival chorus always needs plenty of good singers, so if you would like to join rehearsals please contact Frank Greenslade on 01305 852489 or come along to Milborne St Andrews village hall at 7.15pm on a Thursday evening.

Rehearsals will be mainly on Thursday evenings, with a few Saturday sessions as well.

You don’t need to be able to make every single rehearsal and all music is provided, so if you enjoy singing come along and take part in this wonderful annual event, which is now in it’s 30th year!

The concert will be on Sunday, 30th August at 7.30pm in Milton Abbey.

Tickets (£10 and £5) available from Richard Alston on 01202 623492.