THE AGM for Southill Shortmat Bowls Club, held at the community centre was followed by a delicious buffet and presentation of prizes by club chairman, Roger Dalkins.

This year’s club champion is Simon Andrews, and Barbara Budge, ladies champion.

Bill Britton and Jill Turner won the pairs competition, while the drawn triple competition winners were Dennis Reynolds, Teresa Dalkins and Ray Hunter.

It has been a busy year for the club, with social activities, trips and friendlies.

This year’s summer outing involves a canal boat trip and steam train excursion in the Bath area.

The club’s highlight has been the success of the Southill Mariners team who won the West Dorset Short Mat Bowls League and the Southill Sea Dogs who gained third place.

The club meets every Monday and Wednesday afternoons and Wednesday evenings at Southill Community Centre and welcomes anyone who is interested in taking up this healthy, social and relatively inexpensive activity.

For more details, telephone 01305 784018 or 01305 772739 or drop in on one of the sessions.

A "PARTY IN THE PARK" describes the official launch of the Lodmoor Country Park Green Gym.M

Over two hundred people saw Borough Mayor-elect, Coun Graham Winter introduce Olympic Sports Ambassador, Adam Greaves, who declared the set of exercise stations open.

Andy Sloan was on hand to give advice on exercising on the apparatus, isotonic drinks were supplied by Morrisons and a superb celebration cake was from Arty Party Cakes.

LCP Friends Events Co-ordinator, Dinah Ellis paid tribute to the wide range of organisations that had contributed to the project and to the individuals who had worked so hard to make it happen.

Carl Dallison and Tara Gooding of the Borough Council, Bridget Betts, who had put together and submitted the bid and Caroline Sharp, who had designed the scheme were thanked for their efforts that had resulted in such a magnificent feature in our lovely park.

The green gym stations are spread throughout the park, and a children's wooden gym and new swing have been installed next to the play galleon to complete the project.

THE next Pact Pubic meeting at Southill Community Centre is set for Saturday, May 21 at 10am.

Residents are invited to meet the Pact panel and vote on the issues to be addressed by the police and other agencies in the neighbourhood. Actions taken since the last meeting will be reported and opportunities for discussion are presented on these occasions. For more details, telephone the Safer Neighbourhoods Team on 222222